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Customer case studies – content marketing at its best

Everyone knows referral business is the best.  What better way to gain new customers or clientsAn example of a WORD-right case study than by recommendation?


In general, people are more likely to buy products rather than services online.  Because it’s a simple transaction, they know exactly what they’ll get for their money.  And, if they pay by credit card, they have built-in guarantees.  But buying a service is a different proposition.  How do your prospects know your company can be trusted or if you are up to the job?  If they don’t know you, they only have your word for it.

You can solve this problem by adding case studies or ‘customer stories’ to your website.  These act as a personal referral from one business to another.  It gives your prospect the opportunity to read about the client’s problem, how you helped them solve it, and the service you provided.

Businesses often use testimonials on their websites and marketing literature, but too many make the same sort of meaningless statement …

“Joe Bloggs Ltd is a great company and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them.”  Mr X from Bangor …

This sort of testimonial isn’t going to help you win business, particularly if it’s from an anonymous or even spurious source.  But by writing a case study, you will take your testimonials to a new level.  A case study is an in-depth account of your work with that particular client.  It must be an unbiased and honest representation of the service you provided.

To write a good case study, you need your client’s input.  You can conduct an interview or ask them to complete a questionnaire.  The case study is written from the information they provide, using as many of their own words or quotes as possible.

Case studies are even more effective when you commission someone else to write them on your behalf.  If you interview your client yourself, they might not be completely frank and open.  There is the risk they’ll give you ‘Sunday School answers’, saying what they think you want to hear, rather than giving an honest appraisal of your service.  By using a specialist company to write your case studies, you will get a well written and unbiased result.

As well as providing powerful referrals for your website, a strong case study can be used as hard copy marketing collateral, as a blog post, or even as the basis for a press release.  You’ll find more information on WORD-right’s case study copywriting writing service here.

Blog post by Joy McCarthy

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